Thursday 25 February 2010

Giordano Bruno and Infinite Inhabited Worlds

I have been intrigued by the philosophical thought of Giordano Bruno for most of my life. When I was pretty young, I found a book in my local library, The Cosmology of Giordano Brunoby Paul Henri Michel. I spend the next two days reading, and I was amazed that someone so far away from me in time and geography had wondered about the same things I was wondering about at that particular moment. When I completed that book, I immediate went back to my small local library and put in an inter-library request to find more books on Bruno. I'm sort of mystified about why I find Bruno so engaging, but obviously I do. I think it was his obsession with infinite, inhabited worlds which intrigued me so much.

My parents bought me my first telescope when I was ten, and I have been looking at the stars ever since. Even at ten I liked nothing better than spending time by myself hunting up the familiar stars and following them on their orbits though the night sky.

In fact, after all this time I still to find the topic of exoplanets interesting. I'm now reading The New Worlds: Extrasolar Planets by Fabienne Casoli.

1 comment:

  1. In another age I fear we both would have suffered the same fate as our dear Giordano.
